Full licence course – Day 3

CVRS Clubhouse in Eltham London, Eltham, United Kingdom

Day 3 of the Cray Valley Radio Society full licence course, at the clubhouse. Refreshments will be provided. Candidates should bring a packed lunch, and don't forget photo ID.

Full licence course – Day 4

CVRS Clubhouse in Eltham London, Eltham, United Kingdom

Day 4 of the Cray Valley Radio Society full licence course, at the clubhouse. Refreshments will be provided. Candidates should bring a packed lunch, and don't forget photo ID.

Club meeting: Ham Clock – M0WPG

CVRS Clubhouse in Eltham London, Eltham, United Kingdom

Paul M0WPG shows us how to build a very useful digital clock for the ham's shack, which includes a small computer and a touchscreen, and displays lots of useful information.

Club meeting: Social and Technical evening – ATUs

CVRS Clubhouse in Eltham London, Eltham, United Kingdom

Bring to the meeting your preferred ATU(s) and be prepared to share with other members why you prefer that particular ATU over others....

GB24YOTA from club shack

CVRS Clubhouse in Eltham London, Eltham, United Kingdom

Young members of Cray Valley RS will be taking part in Youth On The Air from the club's shack. Please support them by looking out for the GB24YOTA station and making contact with them.  

Cray Valley RS Christmas Dinner

The annual club Christmas Dinner at the Kings Head, Bexley. Pre-booking with Kieran G8CHB is essential.

Cray Calley RS Christmas Buffet

Park Tavern 45 Passey Place, London, London, United Kingdom

The club's annual Christmas Buffet at the Park Tavern. No pre-booking necessary.

KW Weekend 2025

CVRS Clubhouse in Eltham London, Eltham, United Kingdom

A celebration of KW Electronics at the clubhouse. GB8KW will be live and operating from vintage KW hardware.

AFS Contest Datamodes

Data modes on 80 and 40m 1300-1700. If you have capability on either band, please come on and support the Club. The exchange is RST and serial number starting 001, and you can work stations on RTTY and again on PSK63. Full rules are at https://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2025/rafs.shtml  

Club Meeting – annual planning meeting

CVRS Clubhouse in Eltham London, Eltham, United Kingdom

Planning meeting for 2025, led by Dave G8ZZK. Members will have an opportunity to influence and drive the agenda for this year's club meetings. During the meeting, Dav M0WDV will introduce the club construction projects for 2025.

We are always happy to welcome guests to our twice-monthly CVRS club meetings.  If you are planning to attend a club meeting, just drop us a note via the contact form so that we can make sure you find us and have a contact number to call.